In a groundbreaking announcement, Simon introduces Fateless Game Studio to the world. The launch, marked by an initial video, has generated an overwhelming response. The positive feedback from the community, coupled with numerous emails from potential investors, has set a promising tone for the studio’s future.
A Community-Driven Initiative
From the outset, Fateless Game Studio has been built on the foundation of community involvement. The studio’s mission to create fantastic games, has been driven by the passion and ideas of its community. Within a day of the announcement, over a thousand members joined the Discord, contributing their enthusiasm and creativity to the project.
What to Expect
Although Fateless Game Studio is in its infancy, Simon outlined an exciting roadmap for the future. The YouTube channel, already boasting nearly 2,000 subscribers before releasing its first video, will serve as a platform to share up-to-date developments of the game. In the coming weeks, the team will introduce the founders and partners, providing insights into the studio’s vision and goals.
Community Support and Investor Interest
The launch has not only captivated the gaming community but also attracted significant interest from potential investors. The support from patrons has been phenomenal, with 83 patrons joining within a day of the announcement. This backing will play a crucial role in moving the business forward, with patrons also gaining access to exclusive merchandise and perks.
Looking Ahead
The journey to create a game from scratch is expected to take around two years, but Simon expresses immense excitement about the lineup of projects and developments. The focus remains on leveraging community feedback and maintaining transparency throughout the development process. As the studio progresses, they plan to share game designs, artwork, and more to engage and involve the community every step of the way.
Closing Thoughts
The announcement with heartfelt gratitude for the incredible support received so far. The enthusiasm and positive energy from the community have set a strong foundation for Fateless Game Studio. As the journey unfolds, fans and supporters can look forward to regular updates and an inside look at the creation of their first game. Stay tuned for more exciting developments from Fateless Game Studio.